Talking the talk

 In B2B Marketing, Technology Marketing

For B2B marketing to be impactful you must understand the industry, the challenges, and the language. The decision makers are busy people, so they look for solutions to relieve the pressure and people who have expertise. So use the same language as your audience. Understanding the nuances of the industry, opens the door to better market your business.

Every sector has its own terms and acronyms. Couple this with, especially in a dynamic, fast-paced industry such as technology, changing trends, new technologies, changing legislation, etc., makes it difficult to keep up. But understanding the market is fundamental to success in marketing.

Influence the reader
Some people believe, ‘marketing is marketing – doesn’t matter who the audience is’, but B2B and B2C audiences are not the same. They consider different influences and the purchasing decision for a B2B customer is often a longer process. The level of detail they need is also more in-depth, as they are often experts in their field. The more educated the audience, the more technical and detailed the marketing should be.

Understanding the trends in the market, allows marketers to proactively address obstacles or opportunities, providing an avenue to showcase their solutions. This develops a strong relationship with a customer or potential customer.

In summary, know your stuff. Ensure your marketing team (whether in-house or an agency) knows the sector, understands the pressures and can offer creative marketing methods to entice your audience.

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